Von Lintel Gallery
The More You Look, The More You See
Opening Reception: March 15th from 4-7pm
Von Lintel Gallery is proud to present "The More You Look, The More You See," a group exhibition featuring artworks that invite viewers to rediscover the art of looking, addressing the diminishing attention spans of the digital age.
In an era where social media and internet content bombards us with fleeting images, we hope visitors will leave with a renewed appreciation for the depth and complexity that can be found in visual art. The exhibition brings together a diverse group of artists whose works reveal hidden depths and nuances upon prolonged viewing, encouraging audiences to engage more deeply.
Slow down, look closely, and discover the rewards.
Joseph Stashkevetch Bed of Roses, 2015, conté crayon on rag paper, 60.5 x 53 inches (153.7 x 134.6 cm)
The exhibition features work by:
Oluwatobi Adewumi
Lucia Engstrom
Anthony Friedkin
Susan Kaufer Carey
Klea McKenna
Floris Neusüss
Osceola Refetoff
Joe Rudko
Mark Sheinkman
Joseph Stashkevetch
Marco Breuer
Christiane Feser
Catherine Howe
Carolyn Marks Blackwood
Donna Moylan
Kate Petley
Miles Regis
Joachim Schulz
Nicolette Spear
Melanie Willhide
For more information, please visit our website or contact the gallery directly at: gallery@vonlintel.com